Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about 1837 Minutes For Marshall.

What is a day of giving?

1837 Minutes for Marshall is a 30-hour fundraising event in April for all members of the Marshall University community. Alumni, students, faculty, staff, parents, and friends of the university are invited to join Marshall’s Day of Giving! The goal is to raise critical funding and engage our community to advance the mission of Marshall.

What can I do to spread the word?

Your support will make Marshall Day of Giving a success. Sign up to be an Ambassador. Make sure to tell your friends about this fun and inspiring day for the Herd to make a difference by posting about Marshall Day of Giving — with the hashtag #MarshallUDayOfGiving — on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram. On Marshall Day of Giving, participate in our social media challenges to help spread the word.

Why should I give to Marshall?

As our world continues to face great challenges, your support of Marshall students and faculty means more than ever. You provide scholarships for students who will help a world in crisis and ensure that a Marshall education remains accessible for all qualified students. You fund resources that allow us to seize new opportunities, overcome unexpected hardships and extend learning beyond the classroom into virtual spaces. You fuel research and innovation, including cross-disciplinary collaborations that address the medical, societal and interpersonal effects of the pandemic. You help our students reach their full potential and prepare them to be the next generation of leaders in businesses, organizations and communities across the globe.

Is it safe to make my gift online?

Absolutely. Our Day of Giving page utilizes PCI compliant technology through ScaleFunder, a platform created by Ruffalo Noel Levitz. Credit card information will not be stored and is not accessible to us or RNL. The contact information you provide to Marshall University will remain private and secure.

Is there a minimum gift amount?

No. We want everyone to feel comfortable giving a gift of their choosing during our 1837 Minutes for Marshall Day of Giving. When our entire community comes together to support Marshall, BIG things can happen.

How do I make multiple gifts?

Start by selecting the Department or Program fund that you would like to support and enter or select the Amount you want to give. Select + Add another gift to your donation, choose the Department or Program fund that you would like to support and enter or select the Amount and continue adding funds or finish filling out the form. All multiple gifts count toward unit totals.

As an employee of Marshall University or Marshall Health, can I make a payroll deduction for 1837 Minutes for Marshall Day of Giving?

Marshall faculty and staff can change or set up a new payroll deduction by visiting THIS LINK. Please note that only the first month’s deduction will count toward 1837 Minutes for Marshall.

Can I make a gift via stock, an estate gift or other planned gift?

Yes, you may make a gift of stock or other planned gifts to a favorite school, program or cause to support 1837 Minutes for Marshall. Please contact the Marshall University Foundation at 1-866-308-1346 or EMAIL for more information.

Is my 1837 Minutes for Marshall Day of Giving contribution tax-deductible?

Gifts to support Marshall University are tax-deductible. After making a gift, you will receive an acknowledgement letter in the mail that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. Please consult your tax adviser if you have questions.

Still have questions?

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